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I remember there was a game with this SCP long ago. I'll try this one too, I've always liked this story.

I will be playing this live 11/7 around 630-7 PM EST =D



For walking down some stairs this was creepy as shit. So well done on the atmosphere with this and the sounds just added to it.

I just got around to playing this, and boy, I'm glad I did! It was scary, the arrow got me REAL good haha! Keep up the good work!

Most of the written portions of the game went by too quickly for me to adequately read it, so I am not exactly sure what I missed. Aside from that, it was very good at the atmospheric tension.

Really great time crappy myself just by taking some stairs, well done 👍

How did you get the lighting to work? No matter what I do or what I researched online, my lights don't work as expected. I had to delete URP just to get a halo around my lights, but they don't shine beyond the halo. And turning off the lights in the scene don't make it dark, even though I adjusted lighting settings as explained online.

Not sure what you mean. Isn't URP a Unity thing? This was made in Gamemaker Studio.

Oh ok. Don't use Unity lol it's a major pain.

Haha noted! Good luck with your game tho :]. 

Too many stairs are bad for your knees

This man is LYING, the more frequently you exercise joints and muscles the stronger they get. 


No tenia el gusto de esta obra de terror, me encanto la manera de como usa el sonido, me gustaría saber que hay al final de la escalera... 5 estrellas. 

Simplesmente incrível como esse jogo me deixou agoniado com escadas, ambientação bacana demais 
(1 edit)

Creepy game! There were a LOT of minor jumpscares here and there!

(This game is the 2nd one I play in this video)


My second SCP game ever, and the first game in the video.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the creepiness of this game. Interesting how at first, I was afraid of going down and then switched to running down because I was afraid something was chasing me. XD I do wish the text transitions were slower, so that I was able to read as I played. Other than that, great game! :)

Warning to viewers: SPOILERS IN VIDEO!




lost in the scp-087 stairs 

cool i like scp game

Really enjoyed it! My first time playing an SCP game so must try some more!

Loved the game!!!




This game is finished and isn't receiving any big updates.

How 'bout Make it Extended Like longer Gamplay

And What App did u use to create this 

This game is so creepy and cool

the game was good but i still have a few answer no solve 


Very scary game, short but very spooky, really like the old ps1 style!

(1 edit) (+1)

Best and only fan game I've played LOL but you definitely set the bar super high. The dev is amazing and hope to see more from GHST in the future :) Made a YouTube video showcasing the game, hope you guys check it out and enjoy!

nice game also at 100 levels down things get trippy no cap

Nice one! I hope I want to go to in there and find SCP-087-1 :D

I've been playing a lot of these short horrors lately but this one truly stuck out for the interesting lore reveals and sound design!!  Its interesting and scary!

really good game

Loved the atmosphere!

It's a short horror game but it's very good and has a really good atmosphere

Really loved this experience. I didn't know anything about SCP until I started playing indie games and it's a lot of fun. I'm a fighting type so I did keep trying to circle back to confront the entity :)

(2 edits)

I LOVE THIS anyone who loves SCP things should definitely play this I love the build up and the random scares I played your game first keep up the good work I’ll love to see more of your work in the future I played it for my three scary games series you can watch here

Nice game !

No cap, this was genuinely one of the scariest game I've ever played. The sound design is too good.

My gameplay starts at 06:53

Really nice game I LOVE IT !!!!

Definatly got a few scares out of me, I dont know how open of an experience this is but it definaly feels like there is more to see from where I died. I've seen this game on a few youtube channels before and now mine has it too (gameplay starts at 12:37)

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