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This is the first time i played a SCP game and i like it, great game! this is my gameplay in spanish

Short and sweet!

Cool short game!!!!

Good job! 😅

it wasnt very scary but good game, i considered going down the stairs, cuz of the women crying

Great game i loved it it looks scary and has a great atmosphere.

cool game!

I got a good few scares with this one, good job.

This was an Erie Game. Great use of sound! Here’s My No Commentary Walkthrough.

SCP 087 | Full Game (HD) No Commentary

짧게 플레이하기 좋은 게임?이라고 생각됩니다!

I think it's a good game to play for a short time!


(2 edits)

Uninstalling your game is a nightmare, trustedinstaller is so damn annoying

Nice Game

I don’t wanna be scared anymore I’m 10 years old

i bet dont be scard and jumpscard

Loved it, great game, just a small tip, most of the text was fading too fast and I could not read it.

- Ce jeu m’a rendu nostalgique, et en même temps un rafraîchissement d'avoir plus de précisions sur ce qu'est le SCP-087, que j'ignorais plus jeune. Grand Bravo au développeur, j'ai adoré.

- This game made me nostalgic, and at the same time refreshing to have more details on what SCP-087 is, which I didn't know when I was younger. Big congratulations to the developer, I loved it.

Nice work! Please make more games!! Thank you!!

really well made makes you feel paranoid through the whole game 

Cool game


I shat bricks a lot, but the writings in red need to have more time to be able to read them. Thanks for the game

very nice game

Really cool remake of the legendary "SCP-087"!

Awesome game, but the pacing is a bit off. The text flashes by so fast I was completely unable to read it

Put a little joke in the video for this. Hope you guys enjoy watching! Loved the game, anything SCP related is always fun! 

It is not that bad should have had more than just simple face the old SCP. But it is a kinda good game.

Great sound design!

Love the part where it asked me if I wanted to look in the hole. Of course I do. I know it's going to scare me but I need to know what's in there. 


amazing job with this game ! 

This fangame really incapsulated the feeling of a Infinite staircase. And the constant fear of being unsure whether I was being followed from above or below was terrifying. Good luck on future endeavours!

That atmosphere and those horrifying voices really freaked me out. Very Great game, and i really enjoyed it

Had a blast playing this! Check out the new video 

Uma escadaria sem fim, algo completamente desconhecido nós aguarda no fundo.

Mas agora você, qual das escadarias que você irá pegar hoje, poderá prender você eternamente?

Interesting Game and it crept up on me I really enjoyed making this into my Spooktober Specials. Thank you for letting me play.

MAN, I ain't sleeping tonight

Never played an SCP game before and this one was very atmospheric!

One of my favorite 087 games I've played so far, the pacing is really lovely and I'm a big fan of the narrative choices for relaying story/environmental information. The hair and slowly emerging red sections were very eerie. Sound design was great, I'm glad I played with headphones in the spooky darkness. Thank you for the game, I look forward to more from you!

the atmosphere freaked me out sm!! loved it tho (:

Scary!Very good game nice job! :) 

loved it pookie ♥ 

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