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Good Game
(1 edit)

Nemám rád schody !

Creepy to say the least...



Os sustos proporcionados valeram a pena

Infelizmente,esqueci de divulgar na época em que acabei jogando

Gameplay PT-BR

(1 edit)

this is only my second SCP game that i played this universe is actually so cool

These Stairs did not like me! 


Always love an SCP game

hello i am working on my own video game console and im looking at other peoples projects and im wondering if i can add this game to it

Scary game, I enjoyed it!

Voici la 4èmes volume de mes spécial 3 pour 1 . Voici les titre ... - See no fear ----------------------------- Vous êtes dans les bois et parter à la recherche de votre conjointe Rebecca mais il y a quelque chose qui vous surveille. - August Night ------------------------------ Vous êtes dans une maison très bizarre et plein d'évènement étrange se déroule. - SCP-087 --------------------------- Le monstre des escaliers veut votre peau.

this is the second game i played in the vid i actually really enjoyed it good job!

good, short experience :)

la verdad lo recomiendo mucho es bastante divertido  a que por momentos se hace aburrido pero despues pasa a divertido asi que juegenlo.

this game was really fun to play! I look forward to your next work! 

So Good!

(1 edit)

Truly terrifying game, perfectly captures the actual SCP

I adore SCP games, this was wonderfully scary and very well made. 100/10


cool game

Dios! Muy bueno, me ha encantado.

Jugarlo ha sido una gran experiencia y muero por jugar más titulos como este.

Te dejo mi Gameplay en español para que disfrutes de la tensión.

this game was very weird and creepy lol its the last game in this video

SCP-087 is a game based on the creepy pasta with the same name. Short but extremely creepy, as most things in the SCP Foundation lore. Absolute recommendation of a game and it runs perfectly on Steam Deck as you can see by pressing the link below.

e de decir que me congratula

Check out a this game play with NO COMMENTARY!

Truly one of the games ever, a classic. Love this game.

I like to say that this is a great horror game! I love all scp games! 

Good game!

Great game made me jump a few times 😂 hope there will be more games coming from you.

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Hi my name is ragales and I wanted to say that your game is really good! Post more games ok? Because I want to play them all! I even made a video playing:

10/10 A very great game

very good!!

Very good game!

Good Game!

I don't like these stairs... anyways great game
(1 edit)

I played the original SCP-087, so I was excited to find this one, especially when it had a story to tell. The controls were good, so no complaints there. The sounds combinations were great, felt the heavy atmosphere through the screen. This game terrified me just like the original. I don't know what it is, but games with such simple mechanics just get me scared, I even had to remove my headphones. The only complaint was that I was expecting one last jump scare at the end, and the design of the horror character could have had more to it. Other than that, amazing! I loved it! 

very scary... but different type of horror game 

Fantastic short horror game with an amazing atmosphere. Great scares as well! Everyone should try this. Fantastic job!

A mysterious horror game featuring the entity scp 087

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